Future of Democracy: Blockchain Voting A comparative analysis between conventional paper-based voting, electronic voting and blockchain voting

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Varol Tepecik


Today, elections are one of the most important means of sustaining democracies. Due to the opportunities brought by technology, the necessity of making the elections in the physical environment is decreasing with each day. Instead, the issue of making elections in electronic environment is becoming more and more popular. With the emergence of Blockchain technology, the security of the elections in the electronic environment has also been ensured to a great extent. On the other hand, moving the election system to the electronic environment will eliminate the physical costs, ensure the election security in the authoritarian regimes by eliminating the central authority through blockchain, and increase the participation rates in the elections due to the fact that people can vote from any place with internet access. One of the most important elements in the block chain-based voting system is the connection between the voter and the vote, in other words the user privacy. Various cryptological methods are used to break the connection between the user and the vote which anonymizes the user completely. ElGamal cryptology, mix-nets and zero knowledge proof method are some of these. In this article, voting systems from the past to the present will be examined and as an alternative block chain-based voting system will be examined and a sample block chain-based voting system concept will be introduced.

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How to Cite
TEPECIK, Varol. Future of Democracy: Blockchain Voting. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 11-22, july 2019. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <http://www.jomude.com/index.php/jomude/article/view/61>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
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