Design 4.0 and Digital Empathy

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Mustafa Mayda


As a discipline, design expands its scope day by day and it deepens its interaction with other disciplines in parallel with it. It can be seen that design has increased its connection with especially digitalization and visual culture since the beginning of the 21st century. Thanks to digitalization, the virtual world, technology-based globalization and the transformation of visual culture, it seems that there is almost no space left that hasn't contacted with design. The fact that the industry 4.0 process has intensely influenced all disciplines particularly since the year 2011 can be shown as a reason why digitalization influences human life socially, culturally, and economically. It can also be said that design increased its power of influence and emerged as an interdisciplinary concept at this point of the Industry 4.0 process.
Throughout the history, the contact points of industrial revolutions with technology can be seen as important turning points in the history of civilization of human beings. Nowadays, the ability of humankind has reached a level that pushes the limits of the imagination in controlling the world thanks to the influence of technology. Thanks to the Internet revolution, the unlimited gates opened by the virtual world to humankind bring many transformations from economy, health, social life to art. In all these processes and transformations, design transforms together with technology and plays an important role in the management of information. Along with digitization, the field of design receives its share from the transformation of business models in daily life. This is where design steps in especially in the construction of visual culture and the visualization of the digital world. In this article, it is tried to explain the position of design in digitalization processes and the way it interacts and what kind of position it takes in Industry 4.0 process. In particular, the relationship between the concept of Digital Empathy, a new concept, and design is examined and a new perspective is tried to be introduced.

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How to Cite
MAYDA, Mustafa. Design 4.0 and Digital Empathy. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 49-56, july 2019. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
Social Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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