Evaluation of department preference and tendencies of education - management by students of business management department: A sample from Usak University

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Mesut Atasever http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7189-7551


The  aim  of   this   study,  determining the  preference   of  department,  education  and  management  abilities   of    students  of    business  management department,   is  to shed light  on  the  studies carried  out  on  this area.  For   emotions  of the  uneasiness  toward  future  and  worry,  observed  in  the students, who  study  business  management,  to  become visible,  being embodied,  and  be  able  to  be  analyzed,  such  a study was   needed.   For  this  aim,  among  the  students of  business management department,  survey  study   was  carried  out  and  some   expressions and    questions  were  raised  to  them toward  demography,   selection   of  department,  and  education  in the  department.  The data  obtained  in   the  study were  subjected  to    competence  analysis  and   their   means and  standard  deviations were  calculated   and, interpreting   them,    the  factors  of  the students of    business  management   department in selecting   this   department  and   their  managerial  tendencies   and  expectations  were   tried   to  be measured.    Although  the   scope   of   the  study is  the  students   of  business management   department  in  Turkey,   especially   the  students  of  Business  Management  Department,  Uşak University,  were  taken  as   universe  and sample   was   selected  among   from   this universe. The  study  consists    of   the   section  of  theory  and  application.  It   is   expected  that   the   study  sheds  light  on  the  studies  of   business  management,  which will  be  further  carried   out.

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How to Cite
ATASEVER, Mesut. Evaluation of department preference and tendencies of education - management by students of business management department: A sample from Usak University. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 91-102, dec. 2016. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <http://www.jomude.com/index.php/jomude/article/view/7>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
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