In the Context of Alternative Media and Right Journalism Violence Against Women in Turkey’s National, Local and Representation on Social Media

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Engin Caglak Beyza Arican


Violence is one of the major problems of communal living. And, violence against women appears as one of the principal social problems in our country. With this study on violence, which is also violation of human rights, violence to women has been illustrated as statistical information. The way of portraying the news about violence against women on media is really vital. As national newspapers Sabah, Sözcü, Hürriyet, Akşam, Türkiye, and as local newspapers of Çanakkale, Gündem, Olay, İşte Çanakkale, Burası Çanakkale were chosen and by examining these chosen newspapers which comprise the dates from 1st April 2019 to 10th May 2019, statistical information was gained. Also, digital data was gained through an alternative media, Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platform. As a result of all these examinations, aspects of violence to women were revealed.

Article Details

How to Cite
CAGLAK, Engin; ARICAN, Beyza. In the Context of Alternative Media and Right Journalism Violence Against Women in Turkey’s National, Local and Representation on Social Media. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 116-132, july 2019. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
Social Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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Sabah Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Sözcü Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Hürriyet Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Akşam Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Türkiye Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
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İşte Çanakkale Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Burası Çanakkale Gazetesi (01.04.2019-10.05.2019)
Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu (Date of access:15.05.2019)
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