Diabet Prediction with KNN

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Sena Goral


Diabetes, a disease with an increasing incidence in the world, has a significant impact on human life. It causes damage to many parts of the body. Therefore, significant losses may also be high. Early diagnosis is very important in order to prevent diabetes or to minimize losses. Researchers have attached great importance to the classification of the disease with various classification methods. In this study, the values in the data set were studied with the k-NN algorithm. The performance of the K-NN algorithm on the data set was examined. In addition, the accuracy value was increased by expanding the data set with cross-validation. It is thought that the study will provide convenience for both the patient and the specialists.

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How to Cite
GORAL, Sena. Diabet Prediction with KNN. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 6, n. 1, p. 83-89, dec. 2021. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <http://www.jomude.com/index.php/jomude/article/view/97>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
Natural Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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