Effect of Standardized Marketing Strategies on Export Performances of Turkish Jewellery Exporters

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Ahmet Karaca


Objective of this study is to identify the role of standardization on the export performance of the companies in Jewellery industry in Turkey. In achieving this aim, positivist and deductive approach was used and exploratory type of examination was carried out. Whole population was targeted in this study and questionnaires were sent out to all 676 companies through emails. Nevertheless, only 450 questionnaires were returned. Among the received questionnaires 34 of them were eliminated since they were not fully filled by the respondents. Therefore, a total of 416 questionnaires were included in to the analysis. It was found in this study that standardization is not a good option in the case of Jewellery industry since all 4ps affects the export performance negatively. However, it was seen that promotion standardization can increase the export figures positively. In addition, it was also found out that despite having a negative effect on the export performance, pricing has a very small negative effect on the export performance compared to others. Therefore, in some cases pricing can be standardized in order to save cost and increase the performance. However, place subject was found as having the most negative effect on export performance. Therefore, it is not advice companies to standardize their distribution activities. Products should also be adopted in most cases in order to increase the performance in Jewellery industry. According to results, the best strategy can be combining standardization and adoption in exporting.

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How to Cite
KARACA, Ahmet. Effect of Standardized Marketing Strategies on Export Performances of Turkish Jewellery Exporters. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 66-81, apr. 2017. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <http://www.jomude.com/index.php/jomude/article/view/44>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
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