Investigation of Loneliness Status in Individuals with Disabilities

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Hanife Akgül


Introduction and Purpose: In developed countries, loneliness has emerged as an important issue. Individuals with disabilities deal with several problems in their daily lives as well as the feeling of loneliness due to the disabilities. Individuals have certainly experienced loneliness feeling in some period of their lives even if they are children or young adults, however; it has been considered that the individuals with disabilities in a society have suffered from this problem more than the others. In this study it is aimed to investigate the loneliness status of individuals with disabilities living in Kayseri province according to some variables.
Method: Research is a general survey model and descriptive research method was used in the study. The working group of the research consists of individuals with various disabilities who live in villages and towns in Kayseri province. In the study Personal Information form prepared by the researcher was used in order to determine the personal information, social demographic features of the individuals with disabilities and Gierveld Loneliness Scale was used again to measure the level of loneliness of the individuals with disabilities. Data were obtained by interviewers through face to face interviews in 2016. In this application, the data of 200 individuals were used for analyzing. Data were analyzed through SPSS 19.0 software package and gender variable was analyzed by t-test and age, marital status, education level, type of disability, disability level, employment status, income level and place where the individuals live were analyzed by ANOVA.
Findings and Result: According to the analysis results for the loneliness of individuals with disabilities living in Kayseri, There are significant differences in loneliness level between gender, type of disability and degree marital status and income level variables; there is not a significant difference between education level and place where the individuals live variables.

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How to Cite
AKGÜL, Hanife. Investigation of Loneliness Status in Individuals with Disabilities. Journal of Multidisciplinary Developments, [S.l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 80-89, july 2019. ISSN 2564-6095. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025.
Social Sciences - Regular Research Paper


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